Route: Circuit of Crummock Water
Area: Western Lake District
Date of walk: 11th January 2018
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 600 feet
Weather: Low cloud and mist, mostly dull
A bright weather forecast prompted me to plan a fell walk today, but the early morning brought with it low cloud and although I waited for a while there were no signs of improvement. I abandoned my carefully laid plan and decided instead to walk round Crummock Water, a walk I’ve done often before but one which I never tire of
I parked in the National Trust car park near Scale Bridge and followed the wide track through Lanthwaite Wood to the foot of Crummock Water. The lake was like a millpond as I passed by the fish ladder and started out along the sometimes squelchy shoreline path, with Mellbreak towering above on my right
Just beyond the head of the lake I crossed Buttermere Dubs and walked through Buttermere village, ignoring the tempting presence of 2 pubs and a cafe
The walk back along the other shore involves some contact with tarmac but it’s a quiet road and this is not an issue. Most of the road section may be avoided by diverting into Rannerdale, though I chose not to do so today in view of the rather uninspiring weather
At Cinderdale Common I left the road and dropped down to the shoreline path which I followed back to the foot of the lake, and from there I retraced my steps back to the start
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From the car park I follow the easy track to the foot of Crummock Water
I'll be walking anti-clockwise round the lake, it just seems the natural way to go...
My path will take me along the line of trees at the foot of Mellbreak
I cross the footbridge over the River Cocker at the point where it starts its journey to the sea
Lakeshore path through the trees
Looking across to the boathouse, which I'll pass by near the end of the walk
Southern end of Mellbreak
I pass by a stand of old pine trees
Rounding a small headland....
I walk along the stony beach
Rannerdale Knotts
A hint of blue but it flattered to deceive
Low Ling Crag
Foot of Rannerdale Knotts from Low Ling Crag
Looking back to the foot of the lake
I cross the footbridge over Scale Beck
Another footbridge, and some soggy terrain beyond
Hause Point
Scale Island
Most of Fleetwith Pike is obscured by the persistent low cloud
I cross Buttermere Dubs via Scale Bridge
Path between Crummock Water and Buttermere to Buttermere village
Playing chicken on the Buttermere road
I pass by Cragg House Farm
I follow the road beside the fence - on a busier day I'd have taken the track to the right
The path on the right provides lovely retrospective views, but in view of the conditions I carry on along the road
Looking across to Holme Islands
Woodhouse Islands
Further along the road - very quiet today
Looking back to the head of Crummock Water
High Ling Crag, well reflected in the lake...
I follow the road around Hause Point
I leave the road at nearby Cinderdale Common and walk down the path to the lakeshore...
Reflections in Crummock Water
A short section through High Wood, a rather dark and gloomy place but thanks to the owner for permitting access to walkers
Another view across the lake after emerging from the wood
I pass by the boathouse
It just remains to retrace my steps through Lanthwaite Wood back to the start
Mellbreak and the River Cocker from the car park at journey's end
Later on, a surprise sunset over Lorton Vale, with Mellbreak left of picture