Route: Valle Gran Rey
Area: La Gomera
Date of walk: 10th February 2016
Walkers: Andrew and Gilly
Distance: 6.3 miles
Ascent: 300 feet
Weather: Cool at first, then hot and sunny
Today was the last day of our walking holiday on La Gomera. We decided to visit the west coast of the island to walk a well known route which is normally treated as an ascent, but we followed the advice of our excellent guide book and reversed the direction of travel so that it became a descent instead
After another complicated but fascinating 30 mile drive to cover perhaps 10 linear miles we arrived in the village of Arure, and as soon as we left the village we were treated to some huge views along the coastline from a dirt track. The edge of the track appeared to disappear over a precipice so we kept on the left hand side of it. It was quite chilly at such a height and we had fleeces on for the first time this holiday – though these were soon discarded
It was easy going at high level for most of the walk, until the time came to make the steep descent down towards Valle Gran Rey. Yet again we had to admire the ingenuity of the original path makers who had fashioned a safe and well graded route down the very steep mountainside
As we followed the seemingly endless path round innumerable hairpin bends we passed by other walkers, all of them sweating profusely as they plodded uphill, and we were glad we’d followed the recommendation in our guide book. We’d enjoyed the same amazing views as they had without torturing ourselves in the process
As this was a linear walk we had to get back to the start. The descent ends near a bus stop and since a bus wasn’t due to arrive for a while we took a taxi. It’s a shame we didn’t have enough time to explore the port, but we were well contented with yet another wonderful walk on this island. If anyone who follows this site is contemplating a visit to La Gomera I can offer one piece of advice – go!
Click on the icon below for the route map
Scroll down – or click on any photo to enlarge it and you can then view as a slideshow

Thankfully it was a broad path, and we kept to the left to avoid the vertiginious drops on the right

The terrain is quite barren, a complete contrast to the lush vegetation we’d seen on yesterday’s walk

These plants enhanced the scenery along the way, a form of euphorbia known as tabaiba - they were growing everywhere…