Route: Low Fell
Area: Western Lake District
Date of walk: 7th June 2019
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 4.6 miles
Ascent: 1,400 feet
Weather: Sun and blue sky at first but pale white skies gradually coming in
Today’s visit to Low Fell would make it my 41st. What Low Fell lacks in stature it more than makes up for with the magnificent view from its southern top. This is one of my favourite places in the district
I parked as usual in one of the few roadside spaces outside the little village of Thackthwaite. I walked into the village and turned right at a signpost between the houses, following the rocky lane uphill. The leads out onto the fields and from here I followed a line of old oak trees up to the intake wall
On reaching the intake wall I turned right to follow a grassy path which curves around the fellside into a small raised valley, a rather dreary section in truth, but it’s soon over and before long I arrived on the ridge line, heading south
The views from the ridge get better and better, and anyone visiting Low Fell for the first time should not stop at the north top, but should continue to the very end of the ridge where there is a cairn just below the south top. From here, in the words of Alfred Wainwright, ‘the view is of classical beauty, an inspired and inspiring vision of loveliness…a scene of lakes and mountains arranged to perfection’. By now the weather, so promising at first, had deteriorated, and white featureless skies detracted from the view
I had intended to descend via Darling Fell to Loweswater, but in view of the poor light decided instead to take a shorter route back. I retraced my steps for a short distance and followed the very steep path down beside a fence. There are good views on the descent, but it’s hard to enjoy them from such a steep gradient. Lower down, the path leaves the line of the fence and traverses across the fellside through the bracken. It’s reasonably well trodden and easy to follow. On the last occasion I descended this way I followed the public footpath to Foulsyke and returned along the road. Today I took a new route along a path which isn’t shown on the OS map, but is clearly there on the ground. It’s quite faint but easy to follow and runs just above the intake wall (or what’s left of it). This brought me back to the path above Thackthwaite, and from here I retraced my steps back to the start
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I follow a line of oak trees uphill - the Low Fell ridge is beyond. I spotted a young grey squirrel here - bad news in a red squirrel area (I've since reported this to the local red squirrel volunteer group)

A view back to Crummock Water - the pallid sky is gradually coming this way, and spoils the light looking south

The best view is from a point below the south top, but the light is very uninspiring. I've often lingered here, but not today

The path beside the fence stops at a particularly steep section, and now traverses across the fellside, descending to the line of trees below

As I approached the intake wall, I spotted a butterfly I've not seen before - a rare Marsh Fritillary, which is on the endangered list