Llyn Crafnant

Llyn Crafnant

Route: Llyn Crafnant and Llyn Geirionydd

Area: North Wales

Date of walk: 20th September 2021

Walkers: Andrew and Gilly

Distance: 5.8 miles

Ascent: 1300 feet

Weather: Sunny

The two lakes of Llyn Crafnant and Llyn Geirionydd are in a wonderful setting, encircled by mountains and forests, and both can be visited in the course of a single walk. We parked in the Forest Enterprise car park, which is free, and is located near the foot of Llyn Crafnant. Instead of walking towards the lake we followed the lane away from it and turned off just before reaching a cottage ‘Hendre Isaf’

We crossed a narrow pedestrian bridge to the left and reached a mining area with ruined buildings and spoil, known as Klondyke Mill. We climbed onto the spoil heaps and located a faint path into the woods. There was some uncertainty here, as the path was clearly little used and didn’t follow the course of the public footpath shown on our OS map. However, we soon joined up with the public footpath and from this point on navigation was obvious

After a short climb Llyn Geirionydd came into view. We made a short detour to a monument, erected in 1850 by Lord Willoughby d’Eresby, which provides a fine viewpoint over the lake and the steep hillside of Mynydd Deulyn. We descended to the shoreline and followed a path along the west side of the lake. This involved a clamber over a rocky headland at one point

Beyond the head of the lake we changed direction to aim for Llyn Crafnant. The path took us through an area of recently cleared forest, a scene of devastation. It was a relief to descend to Llyn Crafnant and follow an attractive lane beyond the head of the lake (which is in fact a reservoir). We left the lane to join a track across the head of the lake and then joined the forestry track along its shoreline. It was very easy walking, but sadly there were very few opportunities to descend to the lakeshore itself and so the views were somewhat restricted. On reaching the foot of the lake we were compensated by a wonderful view back along it, a great climax to the walk. After savouring the view for a while we walked along the lane to the nearby car park to end our walk

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