Route: Circuit of Crummock Water
Area: Western Lake District
Date of walk: 29th June 2018
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 8.4 miles
Ascent: 800 feet
Weather: Sunny and very hot
I awoke to another cloudless sky – the weather has been like this for weeks now. I decided to walk around Crummock Water again, as it was far too hot for a fell walk and I guessed that the temperature would be approaching 30C by midday. It was good to leave fleeces, gloves and waterproofs at home in the certain knowledge that they wouldn’t be needed, although the weight saved was replaced instead by sunhat, suncream and as much water as I could comfortably carry
I parked as usual in the National Trust car park at Scale Hill and followed the track to the foot of the lake. There were only one or two other people about, as I’d made an early start. I set off in an anti-clockwise direction as the views down the lake are more extensive in that direction
After reaching the foot of the lake I followed the easy lakeshore path which turns towards Mellbreak and then follows its eastern foot. This section is normally very boggy, but not so today thanks to a lack of rain for 6 weeks or so. When I reached Scale Bridge I crossed over the beck and followed the path into Buttermere village. Beyond the village there’s a short road section, and to minimise contact with tarmac I took the path over Hause Point below Rannerdale Knotts. This brought me down to the Buttermere road again. I could have avoided the road again by diverting into Rannerdale and taking the path to Cinderdale Common, but decided instead to carry on along the road – it was too hot for detours, even minor ones
At Cinderdale Common I turned off the road to join a path leading down to the eastern shore of Crummock Water which I followed back to the foot of the lake, and from here I retraced my steps along the track back to the start
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The day before the walk, it was good to see lots of activity from the endangered Spotted Flycatchers in the garden - they appear to have bred successfully...

Next day, the start of the walk as I follow the main track from the car park to the foot of Crummock Water