Route: Lowther Castle and Gardens
Area: North Eastern Lake District
Date of walk: 7th April 2015
Walkers: Andrew and Gilly
Distance: 2.0 miles
Weather: Mostly sunny
Lowther Castle and its gardens were in a state of neglect for 70 years until a major restoration project helped them spring back into life in 2011. There’s still a huge amount of work to be done, but the setting and layout of the grounds are so good that a visit to this place is highly recommended
We first visited the castle itself which is in essence a shell, but the silhouette has been preserved. After walking round the atmospheric ruins we set out on the garden tour. Much of the planting was still immature but this didn’t detract thanks to the surroundings and the design
It was fascinating to see this work in progress and we hope to return in years to come see how the gardens develop
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We enter via Lowther Castle courtyard
The castle and gardens are being developed into a major tourist attraction thanks to substantial funding
Inside the castle ruins
The castle sits at the heart of a 3,000 acre medieval deer park, which is being restored by the Lowther family
We leave the castle to start the tour of the gardens
Daffodils, yet to flower, line the path up to the Patte D’Oie
There are wonderful views along each of the three avenues…
It looks as though this old summerhouse has been planted
Jack Croft’s Pond
View back to the castle
View of the castle from the South Lawns
Jubilee Summerhouse and Surprise View
There are fantastic views into lakeland along the Escarpment Walk
Looking towards Askham (where we’ll be later) from the Escarpment Walk
And looking back along the walk
I enter one of the red squirrel hides…
…..lo and behold, 5 seconds later, a red squirrel
and a nuthatch
Back in the garden, more old buildings and ornaments, which all add to the atmosphere
I hope this place will get the support it deserves - it’s still a work in progess but is well worth a visit, there is beauty all around